Twiddler Bouncy Fidget Bands with Adjustable Height Clamps | Stops Fidget Band from Sliding Down Twiddler Inc.
Twiddler Fidget Bands with Adjustable Height Clamps

Twiddler Fidget Bands with Adjustable Height Clamps

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What it is: Proprietary Twiddler clamps that let you fix the height of the fidget band on any desk or chair.

What you need to know:  The biggest problem with the traditional fidget band is how they always slide down the chair after repeated use. This product makes sure the fidget band stays up. This means that fidget bands can be fixed at the perfect height for any child to twiddle with. 

Who it is for: This product is for kids between kindergarten and middle school who need motion to stay focused. If you have an extra-fidgety student, or a shorter/taller student, these clamps will make sure the fidget band stays exactly where you need it to be.

What this set contains: 

  • x2 clamps - one for each chair leg - fits any shape and size of chair leg
  • x2 Twiddler fidget bands - stretches up to 2 ft - bouncy and durable

The Twiddler promise: With this product, you are guaranteed free shipping, free returns, and a lifetime warranty. We promise you will be satisfied with our products. Your purchase from Twiddler is always risk free. 

Designed by Twiddler Inc. in Toronto. This product contains latex and aluminum.